Fast and Safe Transport Service

Specialized heavy-Duty Vehicles

Shipping Services & Logistics Management


If you have something to import from as far away as Hong Kong or San Francisco it could be with you in just 2 or 3 days. What's more, it's a door-to-door service so you can rest easy. You want a service that's

  • Easy to Book
  • Fast
  • Efficient
  • Trackable
  • Great Value

Here's how it works -

International Transport Deliver System

Truck Logistics Service

Here's how it works -

It's so easy. You process the shipment online via our website. Then, just email the label to your supplier and arrange for the carrier to collect and deliver. And you can track it all the way. Import duties and taxes payable? No problem. If you have a deferment account, we'll sort it all for you. If you haven't, then the carrier will contact Go Track Express and we'll tell you how much is due. If you have something really large just contact your nearest Go Track Express branch with the details of what you want to import and we'll take care of the rest.